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in GRAPES we TRUST is a series of wine events celebrating the delicious diversity of the wine grape.

These juicy little morsels have mysterious transformative powers to change their state from grape to glass and become one of the most complex and delicious beverages in the whole wide world. Unfortunately, they can also have a strange side effect on some people, turning them from quite affable and convivial humans, into snobbish wankers. We aim to change that...

in GRAPES we TRUST is a series of low-key, fun, wine events which makes drinking grape juice all about the grape by telling the stories behind them... We don't care how much or how little you think you know about wine, hell, you probably know more than us! But dammit if we're not gonna drink it, feel it, and talk about it anyway!


Join your hosts, wine writer Daniel Honan and, sommelier Andrew Clifton-Smith, as we share our passion and knowledge for wine grown in vineyards by the hearts and minds of those who trust in the grape as much, if not more, than we do...



A Beginners Guide to Tasting the Moon

Au Natrual

Run To The Hills

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